
Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
  Enterprise Philosophy

Flood and drought control emergency rescue team: taking the charge at emergency moment


Affected by Typhoon No. 9 "Lekima" this year, torrential rain fell in Shandong. On August 14, the SDWP with the support of the SHUIFA Group, actively responded to the call of the Shandong Emergency Management Office to "Participate immediately in emergency rescue in Weifang City," and made decisive decisions. Three groups of 30 engineering construction technicians and seven rescue vehicles formed the "The SDWP’s Rescue team" assist Shandong Shouguang to participate in rescue and disaster relief. At 11:10 the next day, The SDWP’s Rescue team arrived at Caiyang Village in Yangkou Town on time. In line with the rescue idea of "life first, safety first", one 300 kilowatt generator and 10 pump were installed and completed. The team rapidly spread the ditch drainage and rescue work, and strive for the linkage of relevant rescue forces to ensure that the water in some villages and the vegetable greenhouse can be emptied at the shortest time. As of August 15, at 17:20, the water level in the mission area was significantly reduced, the crisis was basically relieved, and The SDWP’s Rescue team successfully completed the rescue mission delivered by the command, and has now been transferred to the MoRei Engineering College to carry out the second stage of drainage.

After the typhoon is in transit, the rainfall is still continuous. In order to maintain the safety of the water level, The SDWP’s Rescue team decided to send additional night duty personnel to carry out the 24-hour uninterrupted drainage, so as to ensure the safety of life and property of the people of Shouguang.

According to the information, this is the second time the SDWP is involved in the emergency rescue and rescue work of the large-scale flood control and drought-fighting, and also has been the first training for the emergency rescue team of Shandong Provincial Emergency Management Office. The SDWP actively carries out the social responsibility of the state-owned enterprises by practical action, and also shows the strength of the rapid organization of the social forces into the flood control and drought-fighting and disaster relief work.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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