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Framework cooperation signing agreement ceremony for Liaocheng International Logistics Port Project held in Chiping city


April 30th, the framework cooperation agreement signing ceremony for Liaocheng International Logistics Port Project was held in Liaocheng City Chiping district.
Liaocheng International Logistics Port is a comprehensive service logistics project focusing on goods loading and unloading, combined transport of railway and road, goods transshipment, comprehensive warehousing, etc. It plans a comprehensive bonded zone, introduces customs into the port, and forms a regional leading logistics enterprise of foreign trade warehousing with comprehensive services.The project will be completed in three phases, with the initial estimated total amount of 516 million RMB. After the completion of the project, it will not only be an important railway logistics distribution center in Liaocheng, but also an important comprehensive logistics center in East China.
In the witness of the participants, Dou Lianhui, deputy general manager of Shuifa Construction Group, on behalf of Shuifa Construction Group signed a cooperation framework agreement for the program with Chiping district government and Handan-Jinan Railway Company Water construction group.
The chairman Jia Baoli represented Shuifa Group and made a speech. He expressed the gratitude for the trust and support of Chiping district government, Handan-jinan railway Co., ltd. And China's west China construction engineering design co., LTD, He said that the implementation of the project is in line with the group company’s spirit which is about Serve people's livelihood, serve the society, service development, Service priority, and response the call of Exploring the water quality development, building the integration of the development of the industry". He hoped to sign this as an opportunity and base on this project to, strenthen the gouvernement-enterprise cooperation.



Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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