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A successful signing of projec for mining and ancillary works of the gold mine in Kailakaroxi, Mali


A contract was recently signed between Shuifa International Constructionn Company and Mali SOMIDEC Mining Development Ltd., under the joint witness of officials of the Parliament of the Republic of Mali, the Mineral Resources Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, on the project for the mining and ancillary works of the gold mine in Kailakaroxi, Mali.
Located in southern Mali, the project covers an area of about 100 KM2, with a construction period of 4 years and a contract value of about 1.309 billion yuan. The project includes earthwork mining and construction of ancillary works such as roads, bridges, schools, irrigation systems, etc.
Under the background of complex and changeable international economic environment and increasing downward pressure on domestic economy, Shuifa Construction Group grasps the opportunity, calmly responds, responds positively to the national "Belt and Road" policy, and develops domestic and foreign markets at the same time. Among them, Shuifa International Construction Company has stepped up the pace of "going out" and actively developed and cultivated the international market. The successful bid of the project is the concrete embodiment of the international company's deep expansion of the African key market and the leapfrogging development of the African Resource and Environment Research Center, which provides another strong impetus for the overall realization of the market internationalization strategy of the Shuifa Group.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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